A reliable work tool for everyday: Light, easy, precise the TB digital coating thickness gauge covers non-magnet coatings on steel and other metals, insulation coatings on non-ferrus metals. Special version for the Car industry.
Type F: Non-magnetic coatings on magnetic metals, such as iron or steel (magnetic induction principle). Here are some sample material combinations:
- [aluminium, chrome, copper, rubber, lacquer] on
- [steel, iron, alloys, magnetic stainless steel]
Type N: Non-magnetic coatings on non-magnetic metals, such as aluminium (eddy current principle). Here are some sample material combinations:
- [lacquer, paints, enamel, chrome, plastics] on
- [aluminium, brass, sheet metal, copper, zinc, bronze]
Type FN: All coatings as for type F and N on all metals as for type F and N (combination of magnetic induction and eddy current principle).